Sunday, 30 September 2012


After deciding on the historical event i want to use for my project i will now need to research in depth about the last whitchcraft exucution in england and what effects whitchcraft exuction on a whole had on people and how it affected the future. The main theme and ideas i get from this event are fear, and how polotics had a hold over people, using the unknown and scare tactics to sway peoples beliefs.
Image showing 'Whitches' being burnt infront of an audience.

Tsem Rinpoche, (2012). The Burning Times. Retrieved from

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Lecture one

In lecture one for the Contextual studies:Design futures assignment the class was met by our new tutor Joe shorrocks, who will be teaching us about the assignment. The first lesson i learnt was a very important lesson, To not rely on researching and using previous games for inspiration, he told us to look in the past, the present and all around us from inspiration. This way it is possible to come up with brand new and innovative ideas that haven't been done before, which is great!

Our first task given was to find interesting anniversaries for 2012 to no later than 2014 that were past events and have a good back story and have possibly effected the future, for example the Titanic was a huge historical event that influenced that time period and even the future.
So we went to find interesting anniversaries that are happening in the future here are a few events that i found interesting:
  • 1612- 400th anniversary of the Pendle Witch Trials
  • 1988- Piper Alpha 25th anniversary
I will need to go and research these two areas more in depth and see if i can gather enough research information on these two events and even see what effects these events had on the future and what will be happening for the anniversary.