Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Pendle witches

I am now focusing in on a specific event of the Pendle witches, the trail of England’s most famous witch trial. This year is the 400Th anniversary of one of the most famous and well documented episodes of English history. 

This incident started from a passerby at a roadside and a beggar, this then escalated into accusations and eventually lead to 10 executions. So called ‘Witches’ were usually the poorest of the community, they were social outcasts, some had physical deformities or mental handicaps, these people got by life by begging, casting spells and cursing. 

Unlike other trials the Pendle witches actually believed in their powers of witchcraft, and actually confessed to using witchcraft to harm others such as the passerby at the roadside.
This famous trial still influences current events to date, there are various programmes and things linked to the Pendle witch trials. There is a free workshop, talk’s exhibitions in Lancashire about the witches and there also is a new walking trail. There are poems and even busses around Manchester about the witches. Even the Spooks book series is influenced and based around the events of the Pendle witches.

1. Lancashire 400 witches (2012) What is lancashire witches 400. Retrieved from http://lancashirewitches400.org/
2. About.com (N/A) The Pendle Witches - Follow the Trail of England's Most Famous Witch Trial. Retrieved from http://gouk.about.com/od/travelbyinterest/p/The-Pendle-Witches-Follow-The-Trail-Of-Englands-Most-Famous-Witch-Trial.htm
3. BBC News (2012) Working with the witches. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-17742852

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